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Merci de suivre ce lien qui vous emmène sur ma fiche google.
Vous avez juste à aller sur " REDIGER UN AVIS"  
Je vous remercie énormément pour vos avis qui m'aident beaucoup à me faire connaitre dans ma pratique

Valentine F

Excellente thérapeute, très à l’écoute, très douce et super gentille.
On se sent tout de suite mieux après le soin.
Elle répond toujours aux messages.
Je recommande d’aller la voir, j’y retournerai.


Une première pour moi, mais je me suis très vite sentie à l'aise car Claudine sait nous mettre en confiance
Superbe séance


J’ai été malade pendant 15 jours et ni médecins ni cachets m’ont aidé à guérir. Ils n’ont jamais rien trouvé. J’ai fait appel à Claudine qui m’a fait un soin et dès le lendemain j’ai repris force et appétit. Un grand merci !

Ludivine F

Thank you for this benevolent care and your little advice for everyday life. I already feel calmer...

Nathalie M.

Super wonderful work ... fast efficient .... always listening and responsive ... take care of his patients .. for my 6 year old son his nocturnal terrors have disappeared .... thank you claudine a real pro listening to his patients

Jacqueline M.

very beautiful meeting!!!! to discover!!! thank you!!!!

Marie S

Cette pratique alternative était totalement nouvelle pour moi. Claudine m'a mise en confiance tout de suite, elle est très à l'écoute. Dès le lendemain, je me suis sentie mieux, libérée de mes douleurs, tant physiques que psychologiques. En cas de besoin, Claudine répond aux messages et assure ainsi un suivi très professionnel de sa pratique.
Je la recommande vivement !!!

Olivier T

Le premier mot qui me vient, c'est : MERCI!!!!!
Je suis allé la voir car j'ai des hernies discale qui me font beaucoup souffrir.
Après 1 consultation tout était différent, je n'avais quasiment plus de douleurs, c'est magique.
Claudine est une personne vraiment très à l'écoute, gentille, pro. Au top.

Philippe B

J'avais une sciatique depuis 2mois (dr et ostéo) j'ai été faire un soin et le soir j'ai dormi 8h chose que je ne faisais jamais et 2 jours après plus de sciatique lieu zen propre et très chaleureux j'y retournerai et je le recommande sans hésitation 😄👍

Jacques T

Listening to the person, quality human relationship

Cindy C

Superb experience. Very attentive. I am super happy because better sleep and much more zen. See you very soon. I recommend it to you. Thank you for your help and human generosity.

Oceane O

A first consultation in June that won me over. I came out calmer and much less exhausted. Second consultation in July and I completely regained my form. To advice. Very sweet and caring young woman.

Segolene B

Claudine worked on my 1 year old little boy from a distance thanks to a photo!
Eliott suffered from teething, sleepless nights, seizures...
A miracle he gave me a full night without waking up and he hurts a lot less what a relief!!
Thank you very much Claudine..

Mendy R

I had the chance to be followed by claudine and I am delighted. Excellent results and better self-confidence thank you claudine see you soon I hope I recommend her

Gisele J

A person who listens, very professional. My case is not the easiest but I know she will get there. After a few remote treatments and an in-office treatment, the difference is already there. I recommend it to you with my eyes closed.

I recommend it 300% with eyes closed.
In the top. Listening, understanding and results.

Estelle M

very satisfied with this consultation, with magnificent positive changes that show the tip of their noses immediately afterwards. A very nice meeting!

Olivier S

Listening to the person... I highly recommend it...

Lo Lni

I highly recommend! you are passionate about what you do and you know what you are talking about.
the results are stunning.
what I particularly appreciate are the reasons that push you to do this job.
the need to help others.
well done

Colette V

I went to see you yesterday afternoon and it did me a world of good. You are helping to heal the wounds of the soul and I thank you for that. As I already said in a comment..Let's continue the fight because by taking care of ourselves and our bodies we can avoid falling into serious so-called incurable diseases...I couldn't have done it alone so thank you again and see you very soon.

Karine D

Hello, following family secrets revealed, I made an appointment with Claudine.
I recommend her because she is attentive, caring, gentle and warm. His care is perfect, and does a world of good...
I would contact her again.
Thank you Claudine.


A big thank-you. Because after several experiences elsewhere, I have never felt so much relief. Thanks to a long-distance treatment through a photo, my nights are restful and no longer nightmarish and I feel much more serene. All of this leaves me speechless! Thank you for listening, for your advice and above all for your help. Thanks to you and in just three days a lot of things have changed positively. Recommendation +++++++++

Aurelye L

a month ago

Claudine is a very good professional, very human and understanding, she practices with the heart.
When I left her house for the first time I felt so peaceful, for all questions, doubts, sadness, like joy I can always send her a message she always answers.
A real ray of sunshine every time I go.
I really recommend her

Amanda L

A very big thank you to Claudine, I am at 4 remote treatments on photo how to say... she is a magician the first treatment I was full of dizziness, nausea, anxiety and I go on without knowing the he exact time of the treatment, a sudden reversal of the situation, total disappearance of the symptoms, relief and mega fatigue afterwards, it's just impressive.
Once the treatment was over, I was a different person...
I could never thank her enough, when you can't see the end of the tunnel and you have to do with Claudine it's only happiness!!
Don't hesitate sincerely, she's a very, very nice person, but above all exceptionally efficient, the first time I've had effects so quickly and over the long term, I've tried a lot of practices, however, but Claudine remains the better by far!
Claudine always has the little advice(s) that goes well which helps you enormously after the treatments, she knows how to be reassuring, very attentive and available at any time of the day whether for a session or advice. , it gives you a boost of crazy energy, but above all I repeat to myself a long-term cure... and that's priceless!
If you have any problems, do not hesitate to call on Claudine, she will know how to work miracles, thank you again for everything, I have no more words.
Nice continuation see you soon Claudine 😘!!

Murielle G

A first discovery for me and very impressed by the reaction of my body after Claudine's treatment, who showed great professionalism with a lot of kindness and gentleness!
You quickly feel at ease with a Zen atmosphere as well.
I will say that Claudine is surprising I will not hesitate to return!
I recommend this beautiful person.

Rafael E

Claudine is a ray of sunshine! with an incredible sweetness and listening
You quickly feel comfortable and confident, you come out light and smiling
Thank you very much see you soon ☀

Ingrid K

I arrived at the consultation without expecting anything and I was very well received by an excellent and attentive professional. Claudine is a person who has extraordinary strength, and who puts her power to help others and for that we can trust her.

Indra M

She carried out her care from a distance on my horse with a fairly large open wound on the muzzle. The next day, we were able to see, with the veterinarian, the evolution of the healing which seemed incredible to him. She continues to follow my partner daily with professionalism and seriousness. So yes, I recommend it. And thank you very much.

Dominique F

Thank you for this moment of well-being, I managed thanks to you to open the floodgates that I blocked.
I met a person very attentive, good advice and attentive
See you soon for a second letting go.

A 2nd appointment this morning, a different feeling than the 1st time. I come out of the session calm, relaxed. Many things have happened internally, My nights are no longer interrupted by insomnia and my toxic thoughts, I let them go rather than making them run on a loop. Thank you Claudine for this well-being that I find over the sessions

Miha M

I recommend Claudine with eyes closed!
He is a very sweet and caring person.

she was able to free me from a weight that I had been carrying and dragged for far too long

thanks again

Veronica B

I went there and I even brought my mother to her and very nice very attentive very professional
I recommend her without any hesitation

E rsi

1st and great experience. A person who listens and humanly at the top, a beautiful meeting that feels good. To do again to put everything in order 😅 and soothe my pain ☺️ I highly recommend!!! Do not hesitate.

Lili S

Many thanks to Claudine. A unique care, kindness, and unexpected discoveries... I warmly recommend Claudine Pierre energeticiennne.

Jerome C.

A first for me with a remote session and I was very impressed, I had severe neck pain and very tired, Claudine really relieved the pain and above all a state of well-being to let go, very professional before and after the session I recommend it without problem, good luck to Claudine, again a big thank you

Samia J

Too happy ! I advise you! I asked for a remote care with my photo with Claudine and she was able to relieve my various ailments (emotional and physical).

In addition, following her treatment, I found a sense of well-being and the feeling of thinking about nothing at all, it helped me a lot! I am happy to have had the chance to find Claudine because she takes the time to answer questions. and reassures enormously ☺ . I'm D+3 from the treatment and I can confirm that it's really effective, you obviously have to be believer and receptive so don't hesitate to go to Claudine 😊

Thank you very much Claudine!

Magali E

Accueillante, explique bien la séance. J'ai retrouvé mon énergie, mes pensées positives et, je dors d'un sommeil de qualité.
J'y retournerai

Michele P

J ai fait une séance il y a une semaine. En sortant j étais déjà pleine d'énergie. J ai retrouvé l envie de faire des choses .Le matin je me lève plus tôt. Je n ai plus d idées noires .. Mon conseil ..allez voir Claudine. Votre vue sur la vie va changer.

Amelie B

My dog had, following a herniated disc, a dazzling gastro with paralyzed rear end and lost 3 kilos in 2 days. At 12 this summer we really thought we were losing him and Claudine offered to give him a remote care from his photo and great results after a week in addition to his treatment from the veterinarian our Loukan is got out of business. Herniated discs are appeased, the gastro is over, all that's missing is regaining weight and a little muscle on the rear end. A thousand thanks again for him, you are on top 👌


Très belle expérience. Claudine est douce, à l'écoute et d'une bienveillance réconfortante. Excellente thérapeute!

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